Pope meets group of refugees and pays tribute to late B...

Among his events in Belgium on Saturday, Pope Francis greets several EU official...

The purpose of the Synod and 'fashionable' reforms

Our Editorial Director, Andrea Tornielli, reflects on Pope Francis' words to the...

Pope to Belgian clergy: Joy and mercy must fill your mi...

Pope Francis meets with the Church’s pastoral ministers in Belgium, and urges th...

Inside Spain: Stolen babies and a nation of second-hand...

In this week’s Inside Spain we look at the horrifying scandal of stolen babies d...

Launch of EU's border system could be delayed again to ...

The EU's much awaited Entry/Exit border checks for non-EU visitors is scheduled ...

Day One in Belgium: Leuven, a Catholic university open ...

In his first full day in Belgium, Pope Francis meets with the King and Prime Min...

Pope's visit will strengthen Caritas Belgium's commitme...

As Pope Francis visits Belgium, Gilles Cnockaert, spokesperson for Caritas Belgi...

Pope to Belgian professors: Expand boundaries, seek truth

Pope Francis meets with Belgian university professors at the Catholic University...

Why Basque cheesecake is taking over the world

Spain is not usually celebrated for its desserts, but one northern Spanish treat...

What to expect from Spain's general strike and Palestin...

One of Spain’s leading trade unions has called for a general strike in 50 cities...

Cardinal Parolin: ‘World threatened by irreversible nuc...

The Vatican Secretary of State reiterates the moral imperative of the total elim...

Pope to civil authorities: Europe needs Belgium to buil...

Pope Francis highlights Belgium’s place in the centre of Europe as he meets with...

Can you use €100, €200 or €500 banknotes in Spain?

What happens if you find yourself with a large bill in Spain - will shops or bus...

Emotional Almodóvar wins lifetime award at Spain's bigg...

Oscar-winning Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar received a lifetime achievement a...

How to see a public health therapist in Spain

Mental health can be just as important as physical health, particularly when you...

Do I need to pay the estate agency if I buy a property ...

If you’re looking to buy a home in Spain then you’ll want to be aware of exactly...